Wednesday, June 29, 2005

If you keep screwing up XP by looking at porn consider one of these

I got traces, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Stare at this for ages to get what is going on

I am back on the beer!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

She made IRC Images

I feel an update coming

What do you get a girl who has everything..

No FAP Key

Before you ask....

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Left Tit Blue

Monday, June 20, 2005

Been Busy at work - here is a nice facial1!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

How to totally screw up the formatting of you blog part 2

I be smackin up bitch-ho's and pop caps in the po-po's ass

I have been working like a slave, lesley left big brother and maxwell snogged saskia so therefore my entire life is dedicated to beating up prostitues and killing policemen so in hommage to my current occupation here is a gun holstered by an ass

Dot To Dot For The Kids!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Fun with Google Suggest

A reader sent this in knocking saskia's tats off the index page....

Monday, June 13, 2005

Gonad Theft Auto

Patch your Copy Now!!!

I want one....

Friday, June 10, 2005

You did it!! The celebdaq shares will rocket!!111!!11!!

The power of three (this is an unfunny charmed joke)

Her foot is in a cast so no showers/jacuzzi pics for *2 weeks* so here is an extra special picture for you

Apologies for the lack of updates/pics not working work got a bit hectic normal service resumes now...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

This is taking the piss....

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What is up with her hand?

Did I mention I'm not drinking?

09016 16 16 05

When straight chicks les up...



Important Big Brother News

You don't really care about Big Brother 6 at all really, do you?

Anyway, seems as I am the only one watching it I just thought I would let you know that Lesley (or "Lesleh" or "Fat Les" or This Link) is up for nomination this week and seems as everyone* else is going to vote for her, you can too on 09016 16 16 05 (calls cost 35p, mobile and other network rates may vary) or text LESLEY to 64404 (35p plus your STD network rate)**

*by everyone please use the word no-one

**really you want to text C to 84599 (£1.50 plus your operator's standard text charge) and donate your Live8 Tickets to me

OK, I admit the oiled up lesbian feature was not all it promised to be - normal service resumes immediately

"Ooooh, Lesleh"

Monday, June 06, 2005

Oiled Up Lesbian Action

Except you can't actually see anything really, but trust me, this is lesley puting oil on her chest before/after jumping into bed with Vanessa, then Makosi decided she wanted in too and the three of the them spent an hour in bed together.

In my limited experience an hour to a lesbian in bed is like premature ejaculation or somthing, it is a know FACT that *proper* lesbians spend no less than 8.27 hours on average having sex as I takes .27 hours to work out how it is going to fit and *at least* 8 hours actually fitting it.

Then they get Tonsillitis.

Either way more of this kind of action is almost certain to get more than just a one-liner out of me.... SEND IN THE DONKEYS!!!!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

So I sent the wife to get the overdraft limit increased....

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Probably the best willow image in the world...

Friday, June 03, 2005

It took nearly a week....

But we got the tits at last... now where are Saskia's? Anyone?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Reasons for avoiding a "tech blog" - 1

And You Think She Is Boring....


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

22 Women Later Saskia Still Looks Needy


The Original

With MS Paint

With Deface Option

That quote is not made up (by me anyway)

Play with Lesley (and I read not to bother with the Adult Service signup - no kittens will be killed today)