Friday, July 08, 2005

A quick note from Bobby I

Hello world, a couple of points to raise from today's meeting (stop, where are you going, come back....)

1. Site has doubled in size (there are now 10 Posts to Load in stead of 5)

2. Updates will be less frequent but larger (like today)

3. Site is going NSFW (Not Safe For Work) from THIS WEEKEND!

What does this mean, well, it basically means porn.
Not regular porn, just extremities and odd pics.

The regular pics won't stop, they will just be complimented with pics I have avoided up until now for gh-ey reasons. Well fuck that. If your profanity blocker does not let you see this site due to the word fuck then you do not deserve the pics anyway.

So lots of swearing and porn!! Hooray!!!!!

P.S. I am going to try and listen to 100 albums over 100 days - it will probably take a lot longer than that, but check out the barebones of the site at Top 100 Album Review

Lastly, here is Kelly... (pies)


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